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"Over the Hills and Far Away"

, par

Un des chants de l’armée de Wellington en Espagne .
Thème de la série Sharp

Our ’prentice Tom may now refuse
To wipe his scoundrel Master’s Shoes,
For now he’s free to sing and play
Over the Hills and far away.
Over the Hills and O’er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
King georges commands and we’ll obey
Over the Hills and far away.

We all shall lead more happy lives
By getting rid of brats and wives
That scold and bawl both night and day -
Over the Hills and far away.
Over the Hills and O’er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
King Georges commands and we’ll obey
Over the Hills and far away.

Courage, boys, ’tis one to ten,
But we return all gentlemen
All gentlemen as well as they,
Over the hills and far away.
Over the Hills and O’er the Main,
To Flanders, Portugal and Spain,
King Georges commands and we’ll obey
Over the Hills and far away.

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